*Insert Training Montage*

After listening intently to the mysterious whispers emanating from the depths of the ancient cauldron, the pair of sorcerers felt compelled to embark on a profound journey seeking other practitioners who could share their insights on the enigmatic vessel. Their expedition spanned vast distances, leading them through diverse territories where they encountered tantalizing new aromas and tastes that enriched their experience. They finally reached the abode of reputed witches and under their tutelage, the tumultuous trials and tribulations of the novice sorcerers commenced.

The sorcerers dedicated several months to immersing themselves in the teachings of the witches, delving into the intricacies of cauldron rituals, and absorbing the rich history and expertise of the craft. Despite facing numerous setbacks due to inaccuracies in timing and spell selection, these challenges only served to fuel the determination of the sorcerers. With each unsuccessful endeavor, their resolve strengthened, culminating in a profound understanding of the rituals and the successful mastery of the witches’ brews for both the Summer and Fall seasons.

During the trials, the two sorcerers, captivated by the unique flavors and teachings of the witches, found themselves immersing their free time in weaving their journey into their craft. It felt as though whispers from the cauldron across the lands guided their hands, deepening their dedication to their art. As their time with the witches drew to a close, a remarkable creation emerged: a tantalizing concoction blending the tang of citrus with an intriguing earthly essence, fueled by the heat imbibed from the witches' wisdom. Thus, Citric Compulsion came into existence, its irresistible allure beckoning all who taste it to return for more. Having completed their training, the two sorcerers packed up their spell books and other effects. A furious storm rolled in as they made their way from the witches’ cottage, skewing their vision as they began their journey home. The storm grew ever stronger and the sorcerers’ laughter resonated with the thunder cackling above them as they wondered what new adventures awaited them.


The Harvest Series


The adventure began when…